Funding and Support for IV Based Initiatives
When creating projects and activities for Isla Vista, the problem that most groups confront is securing funding sources. As an unincorporated district, Isla Vista is unable to benefit from autonomous revenues that would be produced by a city. However, a number of funding sources are available to the community from the city of Santa Barbara the county of Goleta, Santa Barbara City College, and form private foundations and funds.
Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Contact Email/Phone Number: Palmer Jackson |
Location: P.O. Box 5580, Santa Barbara, CA 93150
Website: Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Guidelines for Funding: Brief letter, submitted by mail, describing the organization, its programs and its needs. Support charitable organizations which provide long term benefits to the Santa Barbara area.
Brittingham Family Foundation
Contact Email/Phone Number: Scott Brittingham |
Location: 1482 East Valley Rd. Suite 703, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Website: Brittingham Family Foundation
Guidelines for Funding: Prefers to fund organizations that serve children and youth, families, low-income individuals, and the working poor. Areas of special interest include: arts, culture and humanities; education; environment; health and human services; social services.
City of Goleta Community Development Block Grant Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annually awards grants to entitlement community grantees ! through the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG).
Contact Email/Phone Number: Claudio Dato |
Location: 130 Cremona Dr. Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117
Website: City of Goleta Community Development Block Grant
Guidelines for Funding: Help communities accomplish the Housing and Urban Development department’s overall goals; Carry out community development activities directed toward revitalizing neighborhoods, economic development, and providing improved community facilities and service; Targeted toward assisting low and moderate-income persons. This is a grant given to the city of Goleta by the US government, and citizens can provide input on the use of these funds.
Coastal Conservancy
Contact Email/Phone Number: Trish Chapman |
Location: 1330 Broadway, Oakland, CA 96412-2530
Facebook Page: California State Coastal Conservancy
Website: California State Coastal Conservancy
Guidelines for Funding: Public agencies and nonprofit organizations that qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code; Consistent with Division 21 of the California Public Resources Code; Engage in work to protect and conserve resources and biodiversity on the California coast.
Community Affairs Board (CAB) – Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
The AS/UCSB Community Affairs Board (CAB) is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of all UCSB students by ! providing information and easy access to community service work.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: University 2523, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-6081
Facebook Page: UCSB A.S. CAB
Website: UCSB CAB
Guidelines for Funding: Groups asking for funding must have an Associated Students account number or be a registered on-campus club or organization; Groups must submit the request form and a detailed budget no later than the Thursday at 5pm before they are asking for funds. Any requests for fundraisers over $5,000 must be matched from the event; Funding for prizes, gifts, or raffles is not allowed; Associated Students can only fund a maximum of $500 for food for any group for the whole year; A post-event form must be completed in order to be considered for future CAB funding.
Commission on Student Well-Being –
Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Guidelines for funding: MUST be related to COSWB’s mission statement.
Community Financial Fund (CFF) –
Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
Passed in the 2010-2011 school year, the Community Financial Fund was created toward assisting students by providing more access to grants and helping supplement the current Associated Students emergency loans.
Location: University Center 2533, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Facebook Page: UCSB A.S. Community Financial Fund
Website: UCSB Community Financial Fund
Guidelines for Funding: Fill out the Grnat Supplemental Questionnaire; Attend one Community Financial Fund Literacy Workshop; Complete the Financial Literacy Quiz with a score of 70% or better. Quizzes are given to students at workshop; Write a one page essay.
CommUnity Grants –
Office of Student Life, UC Santa Barbara
CommUnity Grants are available to support programs that convene individuals and groups representing different identities in order to promote cross-cultural awareness, understanding, and appreciation.
Contact Email/Phone Number: Viviana Marsano |
Location: 2260 Student Resource Bldg. Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5010
Website: UCSB CommUnity Grants
Guidelines for Funding: All events awarded CommUnity grants will be: Planned and implemented by at least two distinct ; OSL registered campus organizations or Associated Students entities; Consistent with the CommUnity Grants program mission to promote campus discourse around issues related to identify and cross-cultural interaction; Open to the entire UCSB community; Held in a public venue on campus or in Isla Vista.
Community Volunteer Foundation (CVF) – Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
The Community Volunteer Foundation seeks to enhance the experiences of UCSB students by issuing grants for ongoing service-based programs or projects that foster greater awareness regarding social, educational, economic, and environmental issues.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: University Center 2523, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Website: UCSB CAB Foundation
Guidelines for Funding: Enhance educational experience; Foster greater awareness; Engage students as volunteers or leaders; Strive to have meaningful and lasting impact.
Finance & Business Committee –
Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
The charge of the Associated Students Finance & Business Committee is to help registered student organizations put on successful events, provide necessary student services, hold conferences, and fund championship aspiring teams through the procurement of funds.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: University Center 1504, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6050
Website: UCSB A.S. Finance Board
Guidelines for Funding: In order to apply for A.S. funding, the applicant must be an official A.S. organization, an official University unit, or a student group that has been registered through the Office of Student Life; Groups must advance the accessibility of the University to historically under-represented communities; Organizations must display the extent they have attained their goals and objectives; Organizations must present the degree to which they reflect students’ needs and interests; Organizations must reflect the degree of community service, response of the community, and the success level of the program; Organizations must demonstrate the uniqueness of the event with respect to organizations with similar goals; Organizations must provide the number of active participants and membership growth rate; Organize must demonstrate an ability and willingness to raise alternate funding; Organizations must cooperate with A.S. Legal Code.
Fund for Santa Barbara
The FUND raises money through donations of all sizes in order to provide grants and technical assistance to local grassroots efforts.
Contact Email/Phone Number: Geoff Green |
Location: 26 W. Anapamu St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Facebook Page: FUND for Santa Barbara
Website: Fund for Santa Barbara
Guidelines for Funding: Work against discrimination based on race, sex/gender, age, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, physical/mental ability, ethnicity, language, or immigration status; Promote self-determination in low income and disenfranchised communities; Promote international peace and organizing locally for a just foreign policy; Work on improving the environment, especially organizing a constituency usually
without access to decision makers; Operate in a democratic manner, responsive to and directed by the constituency being served.
Goleta City Grant Program
Subject to funding availability, the City of Goleta may award up to $3,500 for civic community projects and public services that are of benefit to the residents of the city of Goleta.
Contact Email/Phone Number: Claudio Dato |
Location: 130 Cremona Dr. Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117
Website: Goleta City Grant Program
Guidelines for Funding: All service and/or projects must benefit Goleta residents; Services and/or projects must be sponsored by non-profit organizations; Categories of services and
projects eligible for grants include: Civic Projects or Service sponsored by Goleta community organizations, Multicultural Activities, Educational Programs, Special
Events, Regional Projects, and Public Services.
Hutton Parker Foundation
The Hutton Parker Foundation strives to provide organizational sustainability
to community-based nonprofit organizations throughout Santa Barbara County.
Contact Email/Phone Number: Pamela J. Lewis |
Location: 26 W. Anapamu St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Website: Hutton Parker Foundation
Guidelines for Funding: Organizations certified as tax exempt under Section 501(c) 3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and classified as “not a private foundation” under Section
509 (a) are eligible for funding. The Foundation gives the highest priority to activities that provide greater access to people who are economically disadvantaged and underserved. The Foundation also funds activities that benefit the general community and improve the quality of life for all individuals in Santa Barbara County. The Hutton Parker Foundation primarily focuses on making grants to assist organizations that work in the areas of:
Arts & Culture; Children, Youth & Families; Civic & Community; Education; Health & Human Services.
Isla Vista Community Relations Committee (IVCRC) – Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
AS IVCRC funds on-campus and off-campus groups that work to improve the Isla Vista community.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: Pardall Center, 6550 Pardall Rd. Isla Vista, CA 93117
Facebook Page: Associated Students Isla Vista Community Relations Committee
Guidelines for Funding: The event must educate and/or enrich the Isla Vista community and can be categorized into the Charge of the Committee; Applicants cannot request
more than $500 for food; All budget line items must be clearly defined; Applicants cannot request funding for costumes, gifts, prizes, or makeup; Applicant must possess an Associated Students account; The event for funding must be located in Isla Vista; The profits generated by the event must not be distributed to individual committee members or to the committee as a whole; The IVCRC logo must be printed on the events’ posters/banners/shirts/ etc; Advertisements for the event must be printed through Associated Students Publications.
Isla Vista Food Cooperative Community Fund Grants
The Isla Vista Food Cooperative presents grants yearly to local 501(c)(3) organizations working in the Isla Vista and Goleta county communities.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: 6575 Seville Rd. Isla Vista, CA 93117
Facebook Page: Isla Vista Food Co-Op
Website: Isla Vista Food Cooperative
Guidelines for Funding: Applicants must be a local 501(c)(3) organization working in the community.
Isla Vista Tenants Union –
Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
Guidelines for funding: Event educates and/or enriches the Isla Vista community and can be categorized into the Isla Vista Tenants Union Mission
Contact Email/Phone Number: | 805-968-6704
Location: 6550 Pardall Rd. Suite B, Isla Vista, CA, 93117
Orfalea Foundation
The Orfalea Foundation invests in sustainable solutions through collaborative initiatives and entrepreneurial partnerships.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: 1283 Coast Village Circle, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Facebook Page: Orfalea Foundation
Website: Orfalea Foundation
Guidelines for Funding: The Orfalea Foundation collaborates with organizations create communal beliefs using the following methods: Collective impact initiatives; Community
Foundations; Collaborations; Global engagement; and Public Enrichment.
Santa Barbara Foundation
The Santa Barbara Foundation is a community foundation established in 1928 to enrich the lives of the people of Santa Barbara County through philanthropy.
Contact Email/Phone Number: 805-963-1873
Location: 1111 Chapala St. Suite 200, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Facebook Page: Santa Barbara Foundation
Website: Santa Barbara Foundation
Guidelines for Funding: Applicant’s project must focus on seven specific areas of priority: Creative Communications; Safety Net Services and Behavioral Health Access; Education; Kindergarden Readiness; Family Caregiver Support Innovation; Veterans; Economic Development; the Environment. Applicant’s project must be solution-oriented, and must assist individuals, families, organizations, and communities.
The Coastal Fund –
Associated Students, UC Santa Barbara
Coastal fund provides funds for projects that serve to enhance the terrestrial and marine habitats associated with the shoreline of UC Santa Barbara through preservation, education, open access, research, and restoration.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: Coastal Fund, Associated Students, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6081
Facebook Page: Coastal Fund
Website: Coastal Fund UC Santa Barbara
Guidelines for Funding: Seek to conserve and preserve the biodiversity and ecological integrity of the shoreline; Restoration projects that seek to restore, conserve, and protect coastal areas and associated habitats (including trash removal projects); Research projects that study aspects of coastal flora and fauna, ecological community dynamics, or coastal processes of the shoreline areas associated with UCSB that seek to maintain a healthy beach system; Educational projects that educate and inform the community about the biological diversity and ecological processes found in the coastal areas of UCSB; Seek to improve safe, low impact access to resources associated with the shoreline of UCSB.
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation supports leaders and institutions working to achieve a biologically rich, sustainable world where all families can plan for their children and all children reach their potential.
Contact Email/Phone Number:
Location: 343 Second St. Los Altos, CA 94022
Facebook Page: David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Website: David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Guidelines for Funding: Accept grant proposals only for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes, primarily from taxexempt charitable organizations. Project areas include: Conservation and Science; Population and Reproductive Health; Children, Family, and Communities; Local grantmaking; Organizational Effectiveness and Philanthropy; Program-Related Investments.
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) –
Sustainability, UC Santa Barbara
The Green Initiative Fund provides funding for projects which ‘green’ our campus and reduce the University’s impact on the environment.
Contact Email/Phone Number: Jewel Snavely |
Location: 2609 Ellison Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Facebook Page: The Green Initiative Fund
Website: UCSB The Green Initiative Fund
Guidelines for Funding: Projects must be centered around campus environmental projects; Projects are committed to global leadership for sustainability through education, research, and action.
Many A.S. groups also collaborate and provide funding for events happening in Isla Vista, such as the A.S. Executive Offices and A.S. Senate.