The Associated Students (A.S.) of the University of California, Santa Barbara is a non-profit organization funded by undergraduate student fees. Through elected student positions and appointments we voice student concerns and express student opinion to the UCSB administration, UC system, our community, and state and local governments. There are dozens of boards, committees, and commissions that are organized and funded through A.S. to enrich student life and give students services and opportunities not offered by the administration. Our mission is to help students uphold the high academic standards and give them leadership, employment, cultural and growth opportunities to serve the campus community.
The UC Santa Barbara Associated Student (AS) government is composed of a number of elected officers, boards, commissions and units that directly serve the
Isla Vista community in a variety of capacities. Associated Students representatives and chairs have historically been at the forefront of Isla Vista efforts and engagement. In addition, Associated Students has numerous career staff who’s primary focus is community affairs. Associated Student also leases the Pardall Center in Isla Vista, a mixed-use space available to the entire Isla Vista/UCSB community.
Elected officers and a number of A.S. Boards, Commissions and Units work directly in Isla Vista and make a combined financial investment of more than $540,000 annually in the community:
A.S. Office of the President (ASOP)
The Associated Students President acts as the official representative of the student body in all campus, systemwide, local, state, and federal matters. This executive office is elected by popular vote by the undergraduate population of UC Santa Barbara. The Associated Students President serves a term of 1 academic year.
Associated Students Main Office, UC Santa Barbara
Current Officer: Alison Sir
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-2566
Website: AS Office of the President
A.S. External Vice President of Local Affairs (EVPLA)
The EVPLA office functions as a liaison between UCSB students, UCSB administration, non-student community members, and various local agencies.
This executive office is elected by popular vote by the undergraduate population of UC Santa Barbara. The Associated Students EVPLA serves a term of 1 academic year.
The EVPLA is responsible for representing UCSB undergraduate interest in all local affairs. This office functions as a liaison between UCSB students, UCSB administration, non-student community members, and various local agencies.
Associated Students Main Office, UC Santa Barbara
Current Officer: Christian Ornelas
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-2566
A.S. America Reads (AR/AC)
Associated Students Community Affairs Office and local school districts work
together to implement UCSB’s response to the national America Reads America Counts challenge. 35 UCSB students are trained to be tutors through the program.
UCen Rm. 2523, UC Santa Barbara
Contact No: 805-893-4296
Website: AS America Reads
A.S. Bike Committee (AS BIKES)
AS BIKES is a campus bicycle system advocate. Works to fund UCSB campus bikeway improvement projects as well as increase student awareness and involvement with bicycle system issues.
UCen Rm. 2521, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-5166
Facebook: UCSB A.S. Bike Committee
A.S. Coastal Fund
The Coastal Fund is a grant awarding entity that provides funding to projects aimed at protecting, preserving, and enhancing the terrestrial and marine habitats associated with the shoreline of UCSB.
UCen Rm. 2523, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-5166
Website: UCSB Coastal Fund
Facebook: Coastal Fund
A.S. Community Affairs Board (AS CAB)
The Community Affairs Board (CAB) is comprised of active students who work together to bring the campus and community together through service. Through a wide range of projects and community programs, CAB seeks to augment classroom experiences, create opportunities for career exploration, connect UCSB to the community in a meaningful way, and promote the ethics of public service.
In addition, CAB provides funding to community organizations and events, along with creating volunteer opportunities for students in Isla vista and Goleta county.
UCen Rm. 2523, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-4296
Website: UCSB AS CAB
Facebook: UCSB A.S. CAB
A.S. Commission on Student Well-Being
The A.S. Commission on Student Well-Being is committed to the general well being of UCSB undergraduates, with a particular emphasis on physical, nutritional, and mental well-being. COSWB hosts meditation sessions, nutritional events, yoga sessions, and fitness classes among other things in Isla Vista.
Contact Email:
A.S. Community Volunteer Foundation (AS CVF)
CVF is a grant awarding entity that provides funding to ongoing service-based programs or projects that foster greater awareness regarding social, educational, economic, and environmental issues. CVF was formally known as CAB Foundation, and has recently undergone a name change.
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-4296
Website: UCSB AS Community Volunteer Foundation
A.S. Environmental Affairs Board (AS EAB)
EAB strives to provide students with
opportunities to positively impact their environment through political action, community service, and leadership training.
UCen Rm. 3167, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-2068
Website: UCSB AS EAB
Facebook: UCSB EAB
A.S. Food Bank Advisory Committee
The Food Bank is open to UCSB students in need of non-perishable food and toiletries.
UCen Rm. 3167 A, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-2276
Website: UCSB AS Food Bank
Facebook: Associated Students Food Bank
A.S. Isla Vista Community Relations Committee (AS IVCRC)
IVCRC is responsible for the education of the surrounding community regarding issues within IV and Santa Barbara County. The Committee oversees the distribution of the IV
Improvement Lock-In fund in order to facilitate community programs.
6550 Pardall Rd. Isla Vista, CA
Contact Email:
Facebook: Associated Students Isla Vista Community Relations Committee
A.S. Isla Vista Tenants Union (AS IVTU)
The Isla Vista Tenants Union empowers tenants through education, advocacy, and grassroots organizing. IVTU promotes tenant interests and act against violations of tenants’ rights. IVTU will work with local groups, the County, the University, and businesses to realize its mission.
IVTU is an organization serving the interests of Isla Vista tenants. IVTU recognizes the diversity of our community, and strives to meet the different needs of our members while uniting our common interests as tenants. IVTU educates tenants on their rights and responsibilities, and acts as a resource when problems occur. IVTU believes people should live without the suffering that arises from discrimination, retaliation, or neglect. IVTU reaches out to property managers, the University, elected officials, local groups and individuals to realize our vision and address pressing tenant issues. In providing a service to the tenants of Isla Vista, IVTU hopes to build a united, educated, and proactive community.
IVTU challenges and transforms unjust housing conditions and housing policies through empowerment-based education, leadership development, and grassroots community organizing. The committee meets weekly and is available to help all community members. IVTU offers walk-in and appointment based case management for all tenant concerns.
Pardall Center, 6550 Pardall Rd. Unit B, Isla Vista, CA
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-968-6704
Facebook: Isla Vista Tenants Union
A.S. Legal Resource Center (AS LRC)
The UCSB Associated Students Legal Resource Center offers UCSB students legal advice, education, information and/or referrals, and assists students in identifying and resolving their legal problems. The LRC has also entered into a partnership with IVTU to provide services to non-UCSB students in the midst of emergency housing situations, such as those that affect health or immediate evictions.
Pardall Center, 6550 Pardall Road, Suite B, Isla Vista, CA
Contact No: 805-893-4246
Website: Legal Resource Center
Facebook: Legal Resource Center
A.S. Program Board (ASPB)
The Program Board is a student-funded, student-run campus organization dedicated to producing and supporting entertaining and culturally diverse events for the UCSB campus and surrounding community.
UCen Rm. 1519, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-3536
Website: UCSB AS Program Board
Facebook: AS Program Board Presents
A.S. Public Safety Commission
The Public Safety Commission provides safety updates and information about upcoming events and laws that affect Isla Vista/UCSB students.
The University of California Isla Vista Volunteering Program (UCIV) is a community volunteer program organized by AS Public Safety Commission. UCIV was created to act as a mediator between police officers and the community during major events. Volunteers offer warnings to residents in violation of ordinances as an opportunity to prevent a ticket. Volunteers also distribute water; connect medical services to those in need; escort residents to their homes or the Pardall Center Safe Space; keep an eye out for resident’s safety and on law enforcement.
Contact Email:
Website: UCSB AS Public Safety Commission
Facebook: UCSB AS Public Safety Commission
A.S. Queer Commission (QComm)
Queer Commission serves as an educational and advocacy forum for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, Queer, and Intersex student’s rights.
Contact Email:
Website: UCSB AS Queer Commission
Facebook: UCSB AS Queer Commission
A.S. Business & Finance Committee
The Business & Finance Committee helps registered student organizations put on events, provide student services, hold conferences, and fund organizations. This organization was formerly known as Finance Board.
Associated Students Main Office, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Website: UCSB AS Finance Board
A.S. Pardall Center
The Associated Students Pardall Center, in the heart of Isla Vista, serves the UCSB and Isla Vista community and is funded by UCSB student fees.
On the first floor, they host individual study spaces, group work areas, computer and basic printing facilities along with meeting spaces/times available for those needing a space to congregate. Also on the first floor is the Self Help Legal Center.
On the second floor, the AS Legal Resource Center and AS Isla Vista Tenants Union provide services to UCSB students and the community.
6550 Pardall Rd. Isla Vista, CA
Current Staff: Rodney Gould
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-770-3145
Website: Pardall Center
Facebook: Pardall Center
A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equality (AS SCORE)
SCORE is an organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and issues of students of color and underrepresented communities at UCSB.
UCEN2, 2nd Floor, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Facebook: A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equality (SCORE)
A.S. Student Lobby
Student Lobby fights for the rights of students on a local, statewide, and national level.
UCEN2, 2nd Floor, UC Santa Barbara
Contact Email:
Website: UCSB AS Student Lobby
Facebook: Student Lobby – UCSB
A.S. Take Back the Night (TBTN)
TBTN is a student committee dedicated to raising awareness about sexual violence through activism, advocacy, and survivor empowerment. E-mail or facebook group is the best way to contact this group.
Contact Email:
Facebook: Take Back the Night – UCSB
A.S. Womyn’s Commission
Womyn’s Commission is an educator and an advocate for womyn’s rights with a commitment to representing and improving the status of womyn on campus and in the community.
Contact Email:
Website: UCSB AS Womyn’s Commission
Facebook: UCSB A.S. Womyn’s Commission
The Associated Student entities listed above are ones currently doing work in Isla Vista. Please note that this list changes from year to year. You may find the full list of Associated Student organizations at
The following section outlines the Associate Students career staff members that contribute to Isla Vista life and society.
Assistant Director for Community Affairs, Student Engagement and Advocacy
The Assistant Director directly advises the AS Academic Affairs Board (AAB) and is also the manager responsible for the following areas that are directly advised by community affairs staff:
- Community Affairs Board (CAB)
- Coastal Fund
- Environmental Affairs Board (EAB)
- Bicycle Improvement Keeps Everyone Safe (BIKES)
- IV Community Relations Committee (IVCRC)
- IV Tenants Union (IVTU)
- America Reads/America Counts Tutorial Program.
UCen Rm. 2523B, UC Santa Barbara
Current Staff: vacant
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-3553
Community Education Outreach Coordinator
The Community Education Outreach Coordinator is the primary advisor to
America Reads America Counts, and trains and supervisors tutors that
work in local elementary schools and after school programs in Isla Vista.
UCen Rm. 2523B, UC Santa Barbara
Current Staff: Allina Mojarro
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-4296
Website: UCSB AS Staff
Community Financial Fund (CFF) Coordinator
This coordinator facilitates financial literacy workshops and advises on the
Community Financial Fund grant process. This staff member also advises
the AS Finance Board and the UCSB Community Financial Fund (CFF)
UCen Rm. 2533, UC Santa Barbara
Current Staff: open
Community Volunteer Coordinator
The Community Volunteer Coordinator advises students in volunteer recruitment and retention, provides resources on community development,
and is the primary contact for AS elections. This coordinator also advises and oversees the work of the following AS BCCs: Community Affairs Board (CAB), Isla Vista Community Relations Committee (IVCRC), Elections, Childcare Grants, Community Volunteer Foundation (CVF)
UCen Rm. 2523, UC Santa Barbara
Current Staff: Ruth Garcia-Guevara
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-4296
Website: UCSB AS Staff
Food Bank Coordinator
The Food Bank Coordinator works with students to develop future businesses
services, develops trainings and curriculum for their organization, connects students with other resources on campus, and provides free food and toiletries through the AS Food Bank.
UCen Rm. 3167, UC Santa Barbara
Current Staff:
Contact Email:
Contact No: 805-893-2276
Website: UCSB AS Staff
Isla Vista Community Advisor
The Isla Vista Community Advisor serves as a resource for students on “all things Isla Vista.” The IVCA serves as a liaison between Associated Students and the Isla Vista community to support the work of students in the community; and facilitates student development. The IVCA also advises the Commission on Disability Equality, the Commission on Student Well Being, the Isla Vista Tenants Union and the Public Safety Commission, as well as serves as the lead staff member managing the AS Pardall Center in Isla Vista.
6550 Pardall Rd. Isla Vista, CA
Current Staff: Rodney Gould
Contact Email:
Contact No:
Website: UCSB AS Staff
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