Isla Vista Tenants Union
The Isla Vista Tenants Union empowers tenants through education, advocacy, and grassroots organizing. IVTU promotes tenant interests and act against violations of tenants’ rights. IVTU will work with local groups, the County, the University, and businesses to realize its mission.
IVTU is an organization serving the interests of Isla Vista tenants. IVTU recognizes the diversity of our community, and strives to meet the different needs of our members while uniting our common interests as tenants. IVTU educates tenants on their rights and responsibilities, and acts as a resource when problems occur. IVTU believes people should live without the suffering that arises from discrimination, retaliation, or neglect. IVTU reaches out to property managers, the University, elected officials, local groups and individuals to realize our vision and address pressing tenant issues. In providing a service to the tenants of Isla Vista, IVTU hopes to build a united, educated, and proactive community.
IVTU challenges and transforms unjust housing conditions and housing policies through empowerment-based education, leadership development, and grassroots community organizing. The committee meets weekly and is available to help all community members. IVTU offers walk-in and appointment based case management for all tenant concerns.
6550 Pardall Road, Unit B, Isla Vista, CA
Phone: (805) 968-6704
Facebook: Isla Vista Tenants Union
Lobby Corps
Associated Students Lobby Corps fights for the rights of students on a local, statewide, and national level. They lobby our elected representatives on the behalf of UCSB students. They always welcome any student from any background to come lobby with them and share their stories with the student population and representatives.
UCEN, 2nd floor, UC Santa Barbara
Website: UCSB AS Student Lobby
Facebook: UCSB Lobby Corps
AS Public & Mental Health Commission
The A.S. Public and Mental Health Commission is a body concerned with the healthcare and mental health of UCSB undergraduate students. The commission aims to address relevant public health and mental health issues and work to maximize the health and mental health of UCSB students through student-run projects in coordination with Student Health, CAPS, and other relevant entities, and will advocate and serve as a point of reference for other health and mental health entities on campus. Its purpose is to promote the awareness of student health and mental health concerns in our community, and take direct action to address and combat them accordingly.
Website: AS Public & Mental Health Commission
Facebook: UCSB AS Public & Mental Health Commission
Instagram: @ucsbpmh